Getting to know…Joel Pearce, Production Artist - Coley Porter Bell

Getting to know…Joel Pearce, Production Artist

Sitting down with talented folk from the agency to discuss their careers to date and what makes them tick.

Tell us something people may not know about you.

I am an open book so most people I know, know everything.

I have a note on my phone with about 30 leaving speech ideas. They are all terrible.

What’s been your favorite project, and why? 

After so many years they all blend into one. I did enjoy it when the Coley’s Cadbury’s Heroes pack design was used as a sponsor for Coronation Street so my old Nan got to see my work.

During your time at the agency, has your role evolved? If so, why? i.e. are you working more with animation etc.

When I joined we used floppy discs and had paper memos so things have changed a lot.
I was forced into doing more Photoshop (version 2.5) instead of artwork which I hated but now I think Photoshop is the greatest software.

What brought you to Coley Porter Bell? 

The genius visualiser Martin Clarke.

What’s your commute? Anything that fascinates you on the way to/from work?

Vespa, overground, underground, walk along the river. I love looking at the graffiti in the South Bank skate park.

Interests outside of work.

Obsessed with movies and music. I am a member of the BFI, Prince Charles Cinema & Everyman Cinema. I can’t wait for the London Film Festival in October.

Most recent museum/exhibition? What did you think about it?

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. I go every year. The art critics always hate it. I found The Guardian’s review especially amusing, they called it ‘a gasping death-rattle of conservative mediocrity’. My son Chip had a picture accepted into the Young Artist section.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Buy all of those cheap original Banksy prints and Apple shares.

What excites you about the future of design? 

Same as everyone else Ai, exciting and scary. I welcome our robot overlords with open arms.